X37CrMoV5-1; X38CrMoV5-1
tool steel; alloyed; cold-/hot work steel; plastic mould steel; precision ground flat steel
X37CrMoV5-1; X38CrMoV5-1
tool steel; alloyed; cold-/hot work steel; plastic mould steel; precision ground flat steel
The material 1.2343 is a hot work tool steel with high hot wear resistance and good thermal conductivity. It can be used universally and is the most widely used hot work tool steel due to its versatility.
Standards and designations
Fields of application
Dies & Die Inserts
Forging Tools
Hot extrusion tools
Die casting tools
Hot shear blades
Plastic molds
Screws & Barrels
Mandrels & dies
Physical properties at 20°C
Thermal treatment
More properties
Delivery forms
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